Thursday, January 16, 2025

More Sample Videos: Certified In Practical Scaled (CIPSA) Course


This post is in continuation of the earlier posts of Certified IPractical Scaled Agile (CIPSA, pronounced 'sip-sa') course

Again, to emphasize, content of this certification course has been used by successful CIPSAs and is being used by aspiring CIPSAs. In this post, there are 9 more sample videos, which have been made public. 

These 9 videos are completely free and can be seen using this playlist in the YT channel of Management Yogi.

The videos are from:
  • 03. Lesson 3 - The CIPSA Framework and Practical Scaled Agile
    • 3.1 Learning Objectives.mp4
    • 3.3 CIPSA Artifacts.mp4
    • 3.2 CIPSA and its Definition.mp4
    • 3.17 Understanding Scrum Scaling Elements in MSP Agile.mp4
    • 3.18 Scrum Scaling Elements in MS Project.mp4
  • 04. Lesson 4 - CIPSA - Practical Scaled Scrum 
    • 4.1 Learning Objectives.mp4
    • 4.2 Our Scaled Scrum Project.mp4
    • 4.11 Scaling the Current Sprint Boards.mp4
    • 4.12 Scaling the Current Sprint Sheets.mp4
You can check these videos one by one, before purchasing (subscribing to) the CIPSA certification courseIt's the only such Scaled Agile Certification course in the  world.

There are no terms and conditions (T&Cs). Just use the course for entire duration. Give the CIPSA exam and be a CIPSA. You can learn more of it using this FAQ.

Complete Playlist: CIPSA Sample Videos

Complete Course Index: CIPSA Certification 

While watching the videos, for the best experience, go full-screen HD mode and plug-in your earphones.

Videos: Lesson 3 - The CIPSA Framework and Practical Scaled Agile

Video: 3.1 Learning Objectives (02m:17s)
This video is about the learning objectives of this lesson, i.e., The CIPSA Framework and Practical Scaled Agile.

Video: 3.2 CIPSA and its Definition (02m:19s)
CIPSA is a unique scaled agile framework as its hands-on and practical. It uses both Scrum and Kanban at team-level and then proceeds with scaling. This video explains and provides the definition.

Video: 3.3 CIPSA Artifacts (04m:45s)
Though scaling is complex, the CIPSA framework is quite simple. Its lies in its simplicity. This videos explains the artifacts used in the CIPSA framework. 

Video: 3.17 Understanding Scrum Scaling Elements in MSP Agile (01m:48s)
CIPSA being a hands-on, practical oriented certification (70% theory and 30% theory) extensively uses the MS Project Agile software tool for scaling. In this video, we will learn the Scrum elements while going with the CIPSA certification.

Video: 3.18 Scrum Scaling Elements in MS Project - Practical (04m:05s)
In this video, we will learn the Scrum Scaling elements while going with the CIPSA certification. We will see hands-on with MS Project Agile software. It explains more on the previous video. 


Lesson 4 - CIPSA - Practical Scaled Scrum

Video: 4.1 Learning Objectives (01m:25s)
It's about the learning objectives of this lesson, i.e., Practical Scaled Scrum using the CIPSA Framework.

Video: 4.2 Our Scaled Scrum Project (03m:58s)
This video explains our Scaled Scrum Project, where multiple Scrum teams are involved and they running on multiple Sprints. It gives a graphical representation so that you understand clearly.

Video: 4.11 Scaling the Current Sprint Boards (03m:12s)
Earlier we saw the scaling elements (theory) and also the scaling elements using the practical, hands-on software tool of MS Project Agile. In this video, you will learn how to scale the Current Sprint Board to multiple Scrum teams.

Video: 4.12 Scaling the Current Sprint Sheets (04m:22s)
Earlier we saw the scaling elements (theory) and also the scaling elements using the practical, hands-on software tool of MS Project Agile. In this video, you will learn how to scale the Current Sprint Sheet (another important view) to multiple Scrum teams.

If you want to purchase or require more information, please send a mail to: managementyogi@gmail.comYou can also directly pay and purchase. The details of price and direct payment link are given in this page.

You can also see these sample videos in a single playlist.

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