Thursday, February 28, 2019

PMP 35 Contact Hours Online Course - Full Money Back Guarantee

This course has been updated with new PMP Exam changes, effective January 02, 2021.

To know on the latest updates, you can refer the below link:

I am pleased to announce the availability of the 35 contact hours program for Project Management Professional (PMP®) examination: 


It’s a complete video course and comes with full money back guarantee. This course is based on PMBOK® Guide 6th edition from Project Management Institute (PMI®), along with Agile Practice Guide (APG) and certain PMI recommended references.

This course has been requested by many aspiring PMPs in last few months. They want to join my class, but can't join because I am not the speaker. Also, sometimes, there are geographical constraints. Many have informed that other classroom training that they attended were of no real value for them and they learned almost nothing from those sessions. 

This course is a very much like my classroom training, which has created many successful PMPs. On difference here is this: it will be an online course. On the other hand, this 35-contact hours online course has many areas of coverage, which are not possible to cover in a 4-day classroom training, e.g., 
  • 200+  additional exercises in video format (one of its kind) 
  • 6 full-length practice question sets, including full-length question set specifically on Agile/Hybrid approaches
  • 450+ lesson end practice questions 
  • 100 questions for end course assessment
    (Point based like PMI's exam and instant score result will be shown)
  • . . . etc.

How to Claim 35 Contact Hours, When not an ATP or REP? 
One of the biggest misconceptions about PMI-PMP’s 35 Contact Hour program is this: You have to mandatorily get training from a Authorized Training Partner (ATP) or a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P). Nothing can be further from the truth. 

In fact, the Handbook for PMI-PMP exam has long noted clearly on this aspect. Below, I've a direct snippet from PMI.

The aforementioned education requirements is about the 35 contact hours. 
Reference: PMI-PMP Exam Content Outline, Section: "PMP Application & Payment", Page 13 (source:
PMI-PMP Exam Content Outline - Link to Check 

Hence, only ATP or REP can provide 35-contact hours is just not true. I’ve also noted it long back – 10 years before in an article published from North America. (Link)
  • Myth -1: Only a A.T.P/R.E.P can provide 35 hour mandatory contact program.
  • Fact: No, there are many alternatives.

With this course, you will meet the 35-contact hour pre-requisite for your PMP examination. This course comes with an end course assessment of 100 questions.

Top Features: PMP 35 Contact Hours Online Course
  1. Total Video Duration: ~35 hours
  2. Number of Videos: 550+
    • Total Videos on Agile/Hybrid: 70 (approx.)
      Includes both PMBOK's Agile content and New Agile Content 
  3. Number of Lessons: 17
    • One dedicated video lesson for Agile (Agile Project Management)
  4. Total Number of Questions: ~1600
  5. Number of Full Length Question Sets: 6
    • Includes NEW full-length Agile Q&A Set - 180 Questions
  6. Updated with new PMP Exam changes, effective January 02, 2021. A number videos on Agile and Hybrid approaches.
  7. Lesson End Practice Questions: 40 questions (average)
  8. New Questions for Other Questions Types: Multi-response, Drag and Drop, HotSpot, Fill in the Blanks
  9. Process, Flow Diagrams, ITTO Exercises: 200+ (Over 200 exercises explained in video format)
  10. End Course Assessment: A detailed end course assessment with 100 questions. 
  11. Tips and Tricks: 100s of Tips throughout the lessons
  12. Content: Simple content and highly interactive videos

As noted earlier, the entire course is in video format. This course has been divided into 17 individual lessonsA brand new lesson - Agile Project Management, has been added. This is mentioned as the 11th Knowledge Area. The below breakdown informs on the number of videos and duration for every lesson. 

Course Breakdown – PMP 35 Contact Hours Online Course
  • Welcome (5 videos): 8m 36s [8 minutes 36 seconds]
  • Lesson 1 - The PMI-PMP Exam (9 videos): 25m 17s
  • Lesson 2 - Introduction (38 videos): 2h 22m 06s
  • Lesson 3 - The Environment in Which Project Operates (20 videos): 1hr 23m 02s
  • Lesson 4 - The Role of The Project Manager (18 videos): 1hr 12m 17s
  • Lesson 5 - Project Integration Management (56 videos): 3h 15m 42s
  • Lesson 6 - Project Scope Management (48 videos): 2h 22m 05s
  • Lesson 7 - Project Schedule Management (53 videos): 2h 38m 13s
  • Lesson 8 - Project Cost Management (30 videos): 1h 36m 02s
  • Lesson 9 - Project Quality Management (27 videos): 1h 51m 00s
  • Lesson 10 - Project Resource Management (45 videos): 2h 39m 36s
  • Lesson 11 - Project Communications Management (26 videos): 1h 53m 19s
  • Lesson 12 - Project Risk Management (48 videos): 2h 48m 53s
  • Lesson 13 - Project Procurement Management (29 videos): 1h 37m 20s
  • Lesson 14 - Project Stakeholder Management (30 videos): 1h 35m 22s
  • (NEW) Lesson 15 - Agile Project Management (47 videos): 2h 45m 47s
  • Lesson 16 - 6 Full Length Question and Answer Sets (1000+ Q&As)
  • Lesson 17 - Final Lesson (2 videos): 4m 20s

In addition, you have Process and ITTO exercises of 1.5 hours duration. The total duration of the entire course is around 35 hours.

The details on it are also available available at:

What is Full Money Back Guarantee for 35 Contact Hours Course?

There are no little tricks, such as – “terms and conditions apply”, “** conditions apply”, “guarantee not applicable if you have seen 25% of the course” etc., as you would have seen in many places. 

In this course, what you see and reading in this post is what you will get. 

The premise is simple.
Go through the complete course for 15 days. 100% video content of this course will be available to you.
In case you don't like the course, I’ll refund your full money. No questions asked.

You can watch more on money back guarantee in this video (2m 06s).  

Note: You can also evaluate the videos before paying any money. Twenty-five (25) videos will be available for your evaluation, even before you purchase. 

Applicability and Validity
  • Guides: PMBOK Guide, 6th edition and Agile Practice Guide
  • Course Duration: 6 months or 1 year from the date of purchase
  • Price:
    $259 USD / Rs 20,719 (6 months access)
    $379 USD / Rs 30,319 (1 year 0r 12 months access)
  • Payment –
    (Login, Send your payment to paypal account of, Enter the amount; Invoice will be generated after payment)
    OR, you can pay via Bank Transfer or Payment. For this, please send a mail to to get account the details.
  • Available since: February, 2019
    (Updated with latest PMP Exam changes, effective January 02, 2021)
  • Primary Format: Video
  • Course Extension: 6 months more and 50% reduced price as given above.
    For further extensions, 50% reduced price will be applicable.
  • Status: Available
    (accessible via laptop/desktop)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
For frequently asked questions (FAQs) on this course, refer the post:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – PMP 35 Contact Hours Online Course

Detailed Course Breakdown
The detailed course breakdown is shown below (Embedded Document). It details on hours of learning, number of videos and practice questions. You can scroll in the embedded frame, to see the content. This has been updated with the content for Lesson - 15: Agile Project Management.

If you want to buy or have any other question, please send an email to

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